Finca Tamana – by Tim Wendelboe eBook (EN)


Note: This is a n English eBook. Upon purchase you will receive a downloadable link with a pdf file for this eBook.

We are proud to present this downloadable e-version of my book about Finca Tamana. For the past few years, we have been working very closely with Elias Roa at Finca Tamana in Huila Colombia and because of his trust and willingness to invest in quality, we have made huge progress with quality control at his farm. This book takes you through the steps we have made, and the future plans we have, in order to improve the farm and make it more sustainable both socially, economically and environmentally. A great read if you would like to know more about how your coffee is produced.


We are proud to present this downloadable e-version of my book about Finca Tamana. For the past few years, we have been working very closely with Elias Roa at Finca Tamana in Huila Colombia and because of his trust and willingness to invest in quality, we have made huge progress with quality control at his farm. This book takes you through the steps we have made, and the future plans we have, in order to improve the farm and make it more sustainable both socially, economically and environmentally. A great read if you would like to know more about how your coffee is produced.

Table of content

  • Intro
  • Picking
  • Improving the wet process
  • Drying coffee
  • Planting
  • Pricing
  • Financial sustainability

Text and photographs by Tim Wendelboe.

Year published: 2013

Design by Flammier.

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