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Tim Wendelboe

Meet Fotis, The Mystery Man…

Last year, we started a new internal project amongst the team here which we called “The Instagram Takeover”. The purpose of this project was to showcase the many faces here that make Tim Wendelboe (the company) what it is. This week, we meet Fotis Daflas who has been working with us since January 2017 as a barista and most recently as one of our roasters, too. He will be taking over our Instagram Stories on Friday, 6th December so be sure to check that out during your lunchbreak. As always, I have promised not to do any editing on these stories to allow their personalitites to shine through. My aim is really to just let you get to know us a little better, and emphasize that any great success is really a team effort. So here we go. Here’s 25 Questions with Fotis…

25 Questions with Fotis…

1. Who are you and what do you do at Tim Wendelboe?
My name is Fotis and I work as a Barista and Roaster. When I don’t make or roast coffee then I’m packing it or delivering it around Oslo.

2. How long have you worked here?
I started 3 years ago, January 2017.

3. Where do you come from?
I arrived in Oslo 6 years ago from Athens.

4. What did you study / where did you work before coming here?
I was trying to study Physiotherapy and Computer Science but I never completed any of these. Also I have been working in the coffee industry since 2007 in companies like Starbucks, Costa Coffee and smaller espresso bars like Fly Bar in Athens etc.

5. Do you remember what your first meeting / interview with Tim was like?
My first meeting with Tim was through a Skype interview back in 2014. He was looking for a part-time barista and I didn’t get the job. The second time was more like a real interview and it was really nervewracking for me. I was thinking, “You were already denied once, what are you doing again here?”.

6. What is the best thing you love about the job?

There is a lot but mostly the fact that I can work a bit everywhere is the most exciting.

7. What is the most challenging? 

Remembering all the drinks on weekends when the line is outside the door or anything that’s related to memory skills.

8. How would you describe Tim Wendelboe (the company) in one word?


9. How would you describe Tim Wendelboe (the person) in one word?


10. What is your favourite type of coffee to drink?

11. What is your next favourite beverage to drink?
Filthy Chai Latte or Dirty Chai Latte.

12. Coffee is best with…?
With Kristins homemade biscotti. We love you Kristin.

13. What is the funniest / most embarrassing moment you’ve had at work?
The day that I locked myself outside of the office and I completely forgot the code to get in. The fun part is that I was using the code all day to get in but for some reason my mind went blank. In the office I had my keys and my phone.

14. What has been the most rewarding experience you’ve had at work?
When guests appreciate and recognize the hard work we put behind TW. It’s rewarding when you read some of these emails.

15. What do you do in your spare time, when you’re not working at Tim Wendelboe? Any special interests, hobbies, skills? 
I watch and play football. I also try to travel often… Biking is one of my favorite interests and, of course, cooking.

16. If you weren’t working at Tim Wendelboe, what other career would you want to have? 
Learning about the universe and human existence, or anything that’s related to that.

17. What was your first ever impression of coffee?
It was when I was some years old and I started putting some coffee powder on my milk, of course with my parents permission.

18. What does an average day look like for you at Tim Wendelboe?
A production day starts with turning on the roasting machine then, by following routines, coffee is roasted, packed and shipped or delivered. We also prepare the next production day by measuring up the coffee that’s going to be roasted. Labeling and organizing the bags that beans are going into is part of our job. One last thing is to make sure that everything is clean and neat before we leave.

19. What does coffee mean to you?
#hardwork #respect #amazing people

20. If you could travel to any one of our origin countries, which one would you pick?
I was recently at our biological farm, Finca El Suelo, and Finca Tamana in Colombia for the first time. My next pick would be anywhere in Africa.

21. Filter or Espresso? 

22. Fruity or Chocolaty?
I can’t choose, both.

23. Do you have any guilty pleasures when it comes to drinking coffee outside of Tim Wendelboe, or are you a diehard Tim Wendelboe coffee drinker only?

Since I was for a long period at Starbuck’s, they have a lot of beverages that I like.

24. There is a Japanese word called “ikigai” which means, “the reason you get out of bed in the morning”, i.e. what inspires you in life. What gets you out of bed in the morning? 
The idea to travel a lot more.

25. If you could have coffee with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
David Lynch to discuss one of his movies, Mulholland Drive.


That’s it’s and that’s all for now! We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about Fotis. If you wish to get to know more of the people behind the scenes here at Tim Wendelboe, stay tuned by following us on Instagram (@timwendelboe) and Facebook. We will notify you when the next team story is ready for you to enjoy with your cup of coffee…

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